Jacob 4 - Between the Lines
He who prophesies, let him do so to the language and understanding of men.
The Jews were stubborn and did not like plainness, so the Lord gave them what they wanted, what they could not understand, so that they would stumble.
But the Gentiles speak the language of David: the tongue of psalms and songs, the lessons of art and performance.
Every communication by the Spirit given to man is to teach them how to stand on a safe foundation.
And this is the only great, last foundation that the Jews can build.
But having rejected the sure foundation when it was given to them, how will the Jews ever build upon it?
They must see their weakness so they will know that it is by His grace that the children of God have power to move mountains and command the elements.
A prophet of old, Zenos, gave an allegory.
He knew about these things (as the ways of God are given to other witnesses), and spoke in the language of both Jew and Gentile, (if they have ears to hear).
The answer and the great mystery will be unfolded in the Tale of the Good and the Wild Fruit.
See now, the weakness and the power of Jew and Gentile.
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