Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Sabbath

Sweet is the work, my God, my King,
To praise thy name, give thanks and sing,
More than the symbols give delight:
I live thy word by day and night.

While gleaning grain the Lord was caught
And then this higher law He taught:
"To glorify your Lord in heav'n
The Sabbath Day to men was giv'n."

That we might enter to thy rest
A denotation is expressed.
Thy royal jewels will soon be crowned
As David's children. Cry the sound!

In me thy Spirit shall reside
If I am cleansed and sanctified.
From the foundation of the world,
Thy Holy Order is unfurled!

And now my brethren, hear my plea:
Bring ye fruit from Repentance Tree!
Blood of the Lamb will make thee whole--
An ordination of the soul.

The law is dead! Shake off your dust!
Take on His name, in God give trust.
No more a single day is due,
The Sabbath ever lives in You!

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