Then they that loved the Lord watched and waited for every communication; the Lord was pleased and gave them signs. And they shall be mine, says the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels. And I will bless them as a woman blesses her own child that loves her. Then shall you return and discern the righteous hearts of those who love her.
For behold, the day comes that shall shine as the moon; and all the humble, yea, and all that do righteously shall glow. And the day that comes shall strengthen and renew, says the Lord of Hosts, that it shall offer them root and branch. And unto you that love me shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings, and you shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall, says the Lord of Hosts.
Remember my doctrine which I gave unto you in Jerusalem and in Bountiful and in other places you know not. For I am the Lamb of God and I freely give unto the world my book.
Behold, I send again my doctrine in the marvelous and wonderful day of the Lord. And my beloved shall seal the heart of the Mothers to the children and the heart of the children to their Mothers. And Mother Earth shall pour out a blessing so great that the storehouses cannot contain it.
Open, therefore your hearts and live the plain and precious doctrine from the Book of the Lamb. Unto you, my children, will be given root and branch. You will be adopted into the family, and righteousness will be your name.